Sunday, July 13, 2008

Mindmapping Is Not For The Faint Of Heart

I have created a mind map using the bubbl_us site. I tried almost every single one of the free mind maps sites before I chose this site to create my mind map. I found that these sites are difficult to use and didn't seem to fit the format I wanted to use so I wound up modifying my original idea and settling on the one site I could seen to navigate on my own. This was not fun. My guess is that when using the free versions of these web 2.0 tools there are extreme limitations as to what one is allowed to do. There were one or two sites that had short clips to show you what to do and I was not able to recreate the same tasks when I tried it. I know that I am creately challenged when it comes to navigating these technology tools but I have come a long way and my frustration level has decreased a bit. I can tell you that these mind mapping sites will not go on my list of tools to try again.

To add to my frustration, I am not able to upload my wonderful mindmap to this blog for you to see but here is the link that should take you there:


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