Monday, July 14, 2008

Week Two Summary: Does this tech immigrant make any progress?

This was an intense week for me. There were many assignments to do, several videos to watch and lots of text to read. To begin I want to discuss the question: "Why are digital students different from the previous generation of students?"
  • Probably the main reason is the way the two groups of students gather and process information. Digital students have at their fingertips (via the internet) a wealth of information (whether accurate or not) that can be obtained quickly and easily with little or no effort. These students expect instantaneous feedback. The pre-computer generations did not have the technology available to access information so quickly or easily. Information was obtained via libraries through books and periodicals which the students spend much time going through by hand. These students did not expect instantaneous feedback.

What are the implications for teachers concerning the digital way of obtaining information?

  • Since students are able to obtain information so quickly with the available technology they also expect instant feedback from their teachers concerning their grades and teacher supplied information. Students also expect to put little effort into obtaining results.

The 6 National Educational Technologu Standards for students (NETS-S) are as follows:

  1. Creativity and Innovation
  2. Communication and Collaboration
  3. Research and Information Fluency
  4. Critical Thinking, Problem Solving, and Decision Making
  5. Digital Citizenship
  6. Technology Operations and Concepts

The standards that are stressed in my classroom (Regents level chemistry)are: #2 and 4

The standards that I feel ready to meet in my classroom are: #1,2,4

I would love to be able to implement more technology in my classroom. I feel better prepared to meet the challenge now after taking these 2 techmology courses however my classroom is physically missing the technology tools to meet the challenge. I do plan on putting much more into our class website than presently exhists now. I just wish I had the flexibility to be more creative and innovative with the assignments I give my students but the powers that be up in Albany have packed so much into the required curriculum that there is no room for #1,5 and 6.

The school/classroom has shifted form 1.0:

  • pencil and paper format
  • more activities designed for the individual
  • direct instruction that is teacher-centered
  • book research in libraries

to the school/classroom for 2.0:

  • technology tool format
  • more activities designed for groups
  • differentiated instruction that is student-centered
  • research using webbased sites

One of the assignments this week was to explore webtools such as:

  • diigo
  • slideshare
  • mindmapping tools

I must admit that and diigo which are social networking sites with different spins on the individual elements they offer (highlighting, tagging, annotating, bookmarking. etc.) are still a bit too overwhelming yet for me to grasp. I have watched the tutorial and tried to maneuver through but I still do not have a grasp on exactly how it works and how to really use it. The diigo tutorial was way over my head but I tried anywhay and was quickly overwhelmed by my inabilities to figure out what I was doing. I guess I can't accomplish everything with only two classes. I have used slideshare and actually created a short video which was ok for a first attempt. The mindmapping tools I believe have sent me over the edge. I don't know about you but I ABSOLUTELY REFUSE TO PAY OUT OF MY OWN POCKET FOR ANY WEB TOOLS. These are some free ones that I did try (mind42, mindmeister, gliffy and a few others) but I was overwhelmed by my inability to figure out how things work and while I have a great deal of patience with my students I don't share the same level with myself and I am turned off after spending hours trying something and getting nowhere or find myself just going around in circles.

I found the ppt presentation presented this week by group 2 on Internet Safety Issues very informative. Even though these issues are drummed into our heads by school districts and administrators it was refreshing to see a presentation that can be shared with our students.

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