Thursday, July 10, 2008

Initial blog for: Literacy and Technology

This is my last graduate course towards my Masters in Adolescence Education. I am very excited to being almost done. Now all I have to do is pass the comps and I'll be home free towards this second career of mine.
I am very much looking forward to honing my technology skills in this class. In my last tech class I learned for the first time how to do wikis and blogs. Prior to this I had only experience with the webpage I have set up for my students. It is generally an information site for both parents and students about the course: syllabus, class notes (all on ppt), dates and information about quizzes, tests, review sessions, etc. Feel free to check it out. I would appreciate any constructive criticism since once this class is done I want to update the site before classes begin in September.
You can view the site at:

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